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Shopping for Mad Alchemy - Award winning, handcrafted, cycling chamois cream, embrocation and cycling socks. shammy cream, chamois butter. 

Medium Heat Embrocation


Medium Heat Embrocation

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$22.00

The Original!

Our Cold Weather Embrocation is ideal for use during cyclocross and riding in temperatures below 50 degrees. This product is the cornerstone of our line up, specifically engineered to provide a steady, long term feeling of warmth to your legs back and even your neck.

In addition to high quality Grapeseed and Soybean Oils, this product contains unbleached beeswax and a helping of raw, unrefined West African Shea Butter. There are a few other goodies in there to provide you with a smooth warmth and aroma.

Avoid contact with light colored clothing to prevent staining of kit fabrics.

  • Preservative Free

  • Cruelty Free

  • Petroleum Free

  • No Animal Testing

  • No Animal Ingredients

  • Handcrfated in New Hampshire

  • Not Quite Vegan (contains beeswax)

  • Perfume Free (all natural essential oils provide our great scents)

Not for use on individuals with skin or nerve sensitivities.

Packaging may slightly differ due to COVID supply chain issues.

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