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Shopping for Mad Alchemy - Award winning, handcrafted, cycling chamois cream, embrocation and cycling socks. shammy cream, chamois butter. 

Gentleman's Blend Mild Heat Embrocation

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gentlemans blend embrocation.jpg

Gentleman's Blend Mild Heat Embrocation

Sale Price:$20.00 Original Price:$22.00

Mild warmth cycling balm

"Gentleman's" Blend not just for men.  We created this blend years ago to complement a then, newly budding clothing company's adventure race of the same name.  With strong cedar and rosemary scents, this earthy embrocation blend will keep the edge off during those spring showers.  It's mild enough to use all summer as a motivator on every ride.

Not for use on individuals with skin or nerve sensitivities.

Packaging may slightly differ due to COVID supply chain issues.

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