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Shopping for Mad Alchemy - Award winning, handcrafted, cycling chamois cream, embrocation and cycling socks. shammy cream, chamois butter. 

Tincture - Mint - 500mg / 1 oz bottle


Tincture - Mint - 500mg / 1 oz bottle

Sale Price:$33.00 Original Price:$35.00

500MG C B D per 1 oz. bottle -

Directions for use: Our Broad Spectrum Tincture is an easy way to work these oils into your daily routine. Simply place 1ml (full dropper) under your tongue, hold it there for about 30-60 seconds to give it time to absorb, and then swallow any remaining tincture. This may be done once or twice per day.

These oils have become a regular routine here at Mad Alchemy.  We’ve found that it has helped with overall physical recovery, improved sleep and reduction in the stress and anxiety associated with running a small business. But don’t take our word for it.  Numerous studies by prominent medical periodicals have backed these statements with science.  

Studies have shown oils can help with the following: *

·      Ease Inflammation

·      Reduce Muscle Spasms

·      Reduce Chronic Pain

·      Reduce feelings of Anxiety

·      Promote Heart Health

 All of these can help lead to quicker recovery and potential improved performance.


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