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Shopping for Mad Alchemy - Award winning, handcrafted, cycling chamois cream, embrocation and cycling socks. shammy cream, chamois butter. 

Mechanic's Hands Skin Cream

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Mechanic's Hands Skin Cream

Sale Price:$9.00 Original Price:$10.00

Imagine no more cracked hands or feet! Mechanic's Hands is an ultra indulgent, thick and moisturizing skin cream with a clean mint finish.  Great for hands, feet, dry elbows and knees as well.  With consistency of a whipped icing, and plant based ingredients, you'll be sure to love it!  

While most bike mechanics out there still prefer beer, they might just appreciate a jar of this as well.

  • Vegan

  • Cruelty Free

  • Petroleum Free

  • No Animal Testing

  • No Animal Ingredients

  • Made from USA sourced raw materials

  • Perfume Free (all natural essential oils provide our great scents)

Packaging may slightly differ due to COVID supply chain issues.


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