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Shopping for Mad Alchemy - Award winning, handcrafted, cycling chamois cream, embrocation and cycling socks. shammy cream, chamois butter. 

Luxe Chamois Cream


Luxe Chamois Cream

Sale Price:$19.00 Original Price:$21.00

Newly Formulated Luxe!

Luxe Ultra Thick, waxed base Chamois Cream is an extremely effective friction buster. A true luxury chamois cream, with a pleasantly tropical scent and superior protection. Luxe spreads on thick and is quickly forgotten while still working hard to keep you protected.

Experience ultimate comfort during your rides with our Anti Friction Chamois Cream. Specially formulated to reduce friction and prevent chafing, this cream provides a protective barrier that keeps your skin smooth and irritation-free. With a blend of natural ingredients, it nourishes while ensuring long-lasting performance, making it an essential companion for cyclists and athletes alike. Whether you're tackling a long distance or just a quick spin, our chamois cream delivers the support you need to focus on your performance without the distraction of discomfort. Ride longer, ride better.

Ingredients include: Vegetable and essential oils, plant based thickeners and emulsifiers. As always our chamois cream is vegan, paraben-free, formaldehyde-free, and petroleum-free. We work hard to produce products as natural as possible while maintaining product stability and effectiveness.

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